Ayurvedic remedy for glowing skin | 016

Naturally glowing skin is a sign of being healthy. If you want to bring glow on your face then you should adopt some Ayurvedic remedies. This remedy will not only bring glow on your face, but also get rid of acne and other skin problems.

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Turmeric and gram flour face pack

Turmeric and gram flour face pack

Turmeric is a natural antiseptic. It has anti-bacterial properties and is known to glow on the skin. On the other hand, gram flour is a good exfoliant and helps in maintaining the pH balance of your skin.

For this, take a big spoon of gram flour and mix half a spoon of turmeric in it. Then add one spoon of rose water to it and make a paste well. After this apply the paste on the neck and face. After leaving it for 15 minutes, wash it with water. Do this twice a week, you will definitely get benefit.

Sandalwood and honey mask for glowing skin

Sandalwood and honey mask for glowing skin

Sandalwood has antibacterial or anti-bacterial properties. On the other hand, honey is a humectant, which makes your skin soft and supple. This herbal face pack is very effective in treating acne and pimples.

For this, take one spoon of honey and one spoon of sandalwood powder and mix it well. Apply this face pack on your face. After leaving it for 15 to 20 minutes, wash it with water. You can apply it thrice a week.

marigold face pack

marigold face pack

Marigold or marigold flower is very effective in eliminating inflammation and has anti-bacterial properties. This Ayurvedic face back is a natural moisturizer and using it regularly will leave your skin glowing.

For this, take two marigold flowers and make a paste out of it. Then add one teaspoon sandalwood powder, half teaspoon curd and half teaspoon lemon juice to it and make a paste well. Then apply this paste on your face and neck for 20 minutes and then wash it with water. You can apply it twice a week.

Aloe Vera and Lemon

Aloe Vera and Lemon

Both aloe vera and lemon are rich in essential vitamins and other compounds that soothe your skin and help fade acne scars. It also tones your skin and tightens the pores.

For this, put one spoon of aloe vera gel in the blender. Then add one teaspoon lemon and one teaspoon honey to it and blend for 30 seconds. Apply this face pack on your face avoiding the eyes. Leave it like this for 15 minutes and wash it with water. You can apply it 3 times a week.

Neem and Tulsi

Neem is considered ideal in the treatment of bacterial diseases, asthma, ulcers, diabetes, leprosy and malaria. Neem removes the problem of pimples by curing lifeless skin, while Tulsi helps in removing the irritation on the skin.

For this, grind basil and neem leaves and rose water together. Now leave this paste on the face for 20 minutes. After that wash the face.

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In Sehatgyan.com every effort has been made to provide the information as true as possible. It is not the moral responsibility of sehatgyan.com. The information given in sehatgyan.com is for the knowledge enhancement of the readers. So we request you to consult your doctor before using any remedy. Our aim is to make you aware. Your doctor knows your health best, so there is no substitute for him.

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